Currently Available for MobileAid Emergency Response Grant:
Grant Program: MobileAid grants one MobileAid emergency response product (unit) for every 100 units sold. The retail value of each grant will be up to $500.00.
Apply Now: Just send us an email (150 words or less) or a YouTube video (3 minutes or less) at [email protected] telling us how a MobileAid Emergency Response product could help you or your organization "Respond With Confidence" to any Emergency or Disaster.
Grant Recipient Eligibility: Grants may be awarded to public or private organizations with responsibility to respond in an emergency or disaster or to individual professional or lay emergency responders. Grants are only awarded to residents of the United States or Canada. Nominations for grants may be made by any resident of the United States or Canada.
Awards: Grant applications will be reviewed periodically and product grants awarded to winners by the MobileAid Emergency Response Grant Committee as units become availableto grant (1 unit for every 100 units sold by MobileAid). The grant committee will determine the actual product granted up to a retail value of $500.oo.
Grants will be awarded based on the quality of the grant application and the need of the organization or individual nominated for the grant. The decision of the Grant Committee will be final and binding in all matters.
The number of Grants available at any given time will be announces on the blog. All Grant Awards announcements will be made on this blog and via return email to the nominator.
Grant Recipient Agreement: Grant recipients agree to allow MobileAid to publish their submission on this blog and on other MobileAid websites.
Legal Details: This grant program may be revised or ended at any time at the sole descresion of MobileAid management team. This grant program is void where prohibited.
Dealer Sponsors: Dealers who wish to become sponsors of this grant program, may email us.
MobileAid is a registered trademark of LifeSecure, LLC.