2 Free MobileAid units* are currently available for MobileAid Grants to professional or lay emergency responders.
MobileAid gives a grant of 1 MobileAid Emergency Response Product (up to $500 retail value) for every 100 MobileAid units we sell. We know budgets are tight, so this is one way that we help professional and lay emergency responders, in public or private organizations, "Respond With Confidence" to any emergency or disaster.
It is very simple to apply for a MobileAid Emergency Response Product Grant. There is no red tape. Just email us or send us a YouTube video to tell us how a MobileAid Emergency Response Product could help you or your organization "Respond with Confidence" in an emergency or disaster.
Click here to see the rules and APPLY NOW for the chance to be awarded an emergency response product grant that may help you "Respond with Confidence" in a real emergency or disaster.